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9 Dangers Points: of a Returning to the Narcissist

Writer's picture: Inspire Her OrchidsInspire Her Orchids

Only movie psychopaths help portray the narcissist cloak in full display.

You simply are not safe from their emotional manipulation until their interest in you is dead and buried.

1. Narcissists habit of coming back into your life:

Narcissists whether overt or covert can be resilient and determined to get what they want from you. If that means playing a waiting game before they strike again, then that’s what they’ll do.

As the child of a narcissist parent, you’d think I’d know better than to get involved emotionally with a narcissist. The truth is, I’ve had one long 5 year relationship with narcissists and learned the hard way on how to protect myself emotionally from them.

2.Taking Back your Power: from the Narcissist

By managing to get out from under their control, you bruised the narcissist’s ego. They see you aren’t as captivated with them as you once were, and even worse, you might not think they’re a good person. When the narcissist no longer has any influence over you, which is unacceptable for them.

3. Tools in the narcissist’s box of manipulation

Whatever worked on you before, the narcissist believes will work again. Even through healing after a discard or your preservation for survival on enforcing "No contact".

It’s been a while since you’ve had any contact with your narcissist.

Whatever their instrument of contact is, it’s not an innocent gesture, but a way to endear them to you and cause you to be more vulnerable and open to them.

4. Hoovering is one of the narcissist’s techniques

Hoovering or to Hoover, is one technique narcissists use to suck their victims back into their lives. The narcissist usually will not be getting the attention they need from their current supply, whether this be from a partner in a new relationship a relationship, husband wife or family members of friends or usually a list of their flying monkeys. so they hoover you to make them feel better.

5. The Narcissists Watches: When your defences are down

They’re not going to contact you immediately following a disengagement. A narcissist will wait months or even years until you’ve almost forgotten them and can think of them without fear. The narcissist wants you to be desperate enough to give them a second chance.

6. The Narcissists Plan

Narcissists don’t do things because they’re kind or thoughtful; they do them to manipulate you. They bought a gift for you not because they were thinking of you, but to have an excuse to give it to you and hopefully make some headway in getting you back.

7. The Narcissist threat is real

When a narcissist reaches out, it’s as dangerous to your emotional well-being as talking to a viper snake with no glass barrier. The narcissist pretends to have your best interest at heart, but it’s not about you at all — it’s always about their needs.

8. The Narcissist cares about your opinion

Believe it not not! Narcissists need ego boosts, if you’re no longer part of their fan club, they’re going to try to win you back. There were so many times, after finally feeling neutral toward a narcissistic, that they’d try to pop back into my life. It’s as if they instinctively know when your trying to work on yourself.


The narcissist can’t see how someone could choose not to engage with them, so letting them go without putting up a fight is never an option.

9. How to respond to a Narcissist: Try not react at all.

While the narcissist is defined internally by praise and constant admiration, they can still feed off a negative reaction. Don’t rise to their bait and start an argument with them. You may be smarter than the narcissist, but they’re sneakier, and they know how to fight dirty.

Never assume the narcissist is out of your life. If you’re aware of them and their manipulative tools, you’ll be better able to face them down and show them you’re stronger emotionally than they think, and you’re no longer their victim.


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