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How to feel less hurt by Cruel People

Writer's picture: Inspire Her OrchidsInspire Her Orchids

The Monster, The monster that convinced the ones we love to do unspeakable things, to hurt us emotionally of physically to encourage betrayal or deceit.

This monster had a name, cruel desire to inflict a smile into a frown and happy face into tears. No matter how many times attempts of repeatedly trying to forgive the memory of this monster plagues your head and anger & fear settle themselves upon your heart.

When you close your eyes the doors of awareness send this new monster away. When a thought about what had happened came to me, I would push it out of my mind, but the thought would eventually return with renewed intensity.

However, one day, as life as I knew it crumbled before my eyes, I started to awaken. I knew that unless I let go of the fear and anger, I wouldn’t be able to move forward into love and happiness. I loved myself too much to remain stuck in this dark place.

Life was calling me back. I understood that I had the power to free myself from this “monster” and from all the “cruel” people that might try to come into my life. I’d like to share what I learned with you.

“Evilness” is a judgment.

When you label people as “evil” or as “bad,” you block your ability to see that they come from the same source that created you. Nonetheless it doesn't change what they put through , but bare with me for a minute... Removing judgment of yourself allows you to extend compassion not only to them, but also to yourself. Through compassion, you can heal.

You can choose not to give power to so-called evil people.

You might have given the evildoers starring roles in your life drama, but to them, you might just be someone who got in their way. They pursued their goal without considering the damage caused by their actions.

They probably rationalised what they did in a way that made them feel they weren’t doing anything wrong, or that they had no option but to do what they did.

By realising this, taking the actions of others less personally, and changing your thoughts about these actions, you can choose not to give your power away to other people. You can lessen the negative impact that hurtful actions have on your emotional state.

“Cruel” people can become your greatest teachers.

My adult-life “monster” taught me to deal with adversity like no one else. Whoever has come into your life has done so for a reason. Ask yourself what lesson you can learn from the negative behaviour of other people.

It’s okay to reject “what does not serve your soul.”

Once the worst of my situation was over, I learned I had the choice to simply not let myself be bothered by what anyone had done to me.

When people were verbally attacking him in public, Buddha responded, “If you have a gift to give a friend, but the friend refuses to accept the gift, who then does the gift belong to?”

Limit your time with those who tend to bring negativity into your life and choose not to place your attention on the detrimental actions of others.

“Evil” dissolves when you bring light into it.

If I had just turned on the light in my room when I was little, the monsters in my closet would’ve disappeared.


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